Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Mobile!!

So guess what????? I got a new mobile it's the SAMSUNG GRAND. It is totally awesome i don't mean to brag about i am sorry i was just sharing my happiness.



OK so i have been ditching my blog for a while now and i am sorry i just have been busy. But someone hacked my Google plus account and i know who that person is but i don't wanna say the name. You know what she did. She went to random people in my circles and started writing trash to them and she even deleted my blog but i got it back. That girl has no guts to talk to me about anything so she starts hacking my accounts. I tell u she is a coward. And the sad thing is she was a friend of mine long ago. All i can say is that's he has no guts and she is a coward.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Ok i have been think what to write about and i finally got it . MOVIES!!!! so its vacation time and if your getting board you can watch some of these movies:
These Movies Are a bit Girly. But they are really nice.

Mean Girls

Mean Girls 2

Another Cinderella Story 

Princess Protection Program 

Princess Diaries

A Cinderella story

A cindrella story once upon a song

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


 My friend just came and told me they just did a prank.It was a prank the whole not being best friends thing :P

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Best" Friends

You know you shouldn't have best friends unless your best friends know the meaning of friendship. I have a friend ans she had best friends but after she left all of them started backbiting. After she told me everything man i got to know those guys were the biggest jerks. Before i got to know everything i thought she had the best friends any would won't. After i talked to one of them you know what she said friendship is a business. I was talking with her and i told her you guys are acting like friendship is a buisness ans she was like it is. Man i hate those people i feel like saying so much things to them but......

                      And This is for my friends "best" friends