Monday, November 11, 2013


So u know now i had exams and wow they were really harddddddd..........  but the good news are that they are over. The boys in our class did a lot of cheating and so did the girls. We had like the same sitting arrangement for 5 exams and then the other exams we had other sitting arrangement. The girls cheated for their Mathematics exam the most what the did was that they had a rough paper for working so the girls use to sit together and whenever anyone needed help the told the question to the other girl and she use to write the answer and the method on the rough paper and the other girl use to look at the rough paper and copy the method on their rough paper and then copy it on their fair paper. LOL. It was hilarious !!!!


Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Together Again

Ok so me and my two best friends (Malaika and Rawan)'s friendship wa sgoing through a hard time but know we are back to normal and it was the best feeling EVER!! What happened was that me and Malaika are family friend and we had a party held at their house so at that party Malaika even called Rawan and we sourted out our problems. But it just feels so good to be back.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

New Mobile!!

So guess what????? I got a new mobile it's the SAMSUNG GRAND. It is totally awesome i don't mean to brag about i am sorry i was just sharing my happiness.



OK so i have been ditching my blog for a while now and i am sorry i just have been busy. But someone hacked my Google plus account and i know who that person is but i don't wanna say the name. You know what she did. She went to random people in my circles and started writing trash to them and she even deleted my blog but i got it back. That girl has no guts to talk to me about anything so she starts hacking my accounts. I tell u she is a coward. And the sad thing is she was a friend of mine long ago. All i can say is that's he has no guts and she is a coward.

Friday, July 12, 2013


Ok i have been think what to write about and i finally got it . MOVIES!!!! so its vacation time and if your getting board you can watch some of these movies:
These Movies Are a bit Girly. But they are really nice.

Mean Girls

Mean Girls 2

Another Cinderella Story 

Princess Protection Program 

Princess Diaries

A Cinderella story

A cindrella story once upon a song

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


 My friend just came and told me they just did a prank.It was a prank the whole not being best friends thing :P

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"Best" Friends

You know you shouldn't have best friends unless your best friends know the meaning of friendship. I have a friend ans she had best friends but after she left all of them started backbiting. After she told me everything man i got to know those guys were the biggest jerks. Before i got to know everything i thought she had the best friends any would won't. After i talked to one of them you know what she said friendship is a business. I was talking with her and i told her you guys are acting like friendship is a buisness ans she was like it is. Man i hate those people i feel like saying so much things to them but......

                      And This is for my friends "best" friends 

Monday, June 17, 2013

Amazing Pictres

Here are some amazing/weird pictures.

Happy Father's Day

Ok umm..... I want to say Happy Father's Day it was actually yesterday on 16 June but i  am late so sorry.Again.
Happy Father's Day !

Tooo Late

This is like toooo late for this post but i was not connected with internet so its pretty late but here
you go.
Happy Mothers Day !

Sunday, May 5, 2013


Ok so when i started my blog ovly me and my other friend lesely had blogs but know i see everyone has it and i was like O_o  sooo and some of the blogs i saw were a fail a big fail

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Finally after such a long a time i have come back actually i am in Pakistan and there is no internet here. OK i dont have anthing 2 write about cause i dont go to  Y.I.S/Yanbu International School (My school in Saudia Arabia)  anymore. So bye :

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


OMG!!!!!!!!!! Today was a blast in the lunch recess half of the 6th girls were gone i don't know where they were but Gabby was there and she was like you guys can't play here this is the 6th grade court and after she turned away i was like mamamamamama whatever and we didn't go me rawan malika and renad were playing volleyball whenever we got a miss it use to go to the 6th grade boys and they use to kick it to each other and Mateo and Rafay use to kick it the most. And we couldn't play properly and in the last recess Rayhan and Bilal OMG Rayhan hit the ball with his head. We didn't get to play it then too.

Rayhan, Rafay, Mateo, and Bilal are 6th grade boys
Gabby is a 6th grade girl.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hair Cut

I have a sister elder then me me and her both got a hair cut i don't like my haircut my hair's like till my neck now i hate short hair and now i have short hair wow.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


So this is what someone in the lunch threw a ball on +Malaika Zafar  she got the ball and she was thinking who threw it. She went to Mateo and asked if you did it he said ya ya we knew he was saying that in a sarcastic way so we didn't believe him. We started aiming on Rayhan. When we were hitting him with that ball by mistake malika hit him on his but the ball was like a size of a golf ball. He was the refery there was a handball game. The wishtle was in his mouth and he was blushing like crazy and he couldn't even blow the wishtle. Malika was laughing like crazy she laughed so much that she fell on the ground and every body was looking at her.

(Mateo and Rayhan are 6th grade boys)


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Annoying Cousin

Ok so i have a cousin named Saqib and he is so annoying we were talking and i told him about my blog he asked me to send the link when i did that he took the link and posted that on facebook he has his own page so he posted it there.
 Check his page out :


I went to Jeddah on Wednesday and i came back from there on Saturday.I did lots and lots of shopping. It was pretty fun. And Jeddah is place in Saudi Arabia.    


When i started this blog i didn't tell anything about myself so here it is.Hi, my name is Hafsa and i am 11 years old. I am going to be 11 on March 21st. I am from Pakistan but i live in Saudi Arabia  I don't know what else you say when you  introduce yourself. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So this is what happened me rawan and malika came out of the cafeteria and we saw Mateo take out a chocolate from a box he was walking away when we said cane have a chocolate too and he came up to us and said it's not mine then i said so you just took one he was like ya then we took one too. After that  rayhan comes and picks up the box and put it over my head.. I said to pick the chocolates up but he was like no. then i picked it up we like ate the whole box it was pretty funny.

Rayhan and Mateo 6th grade boys.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Musical night

It was our musical night and me and rawan meet Andres's brother he was so tall really curly hair. This is what Andres asks me why are you so tall and he didn't even let me answer than he goes to rawan and asks her why are you so young after that he asks her again why are you so short :p

Andres a guy in our school in 6th grade
rawan you know who she is 

Friday, February 8, 2013


Guys please follow me  i see every day so many people view my blog but you don't follow pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee folllow

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Thank you  +Mary Lesley Berina  for helping me make my blog. :)


I have a lot of friend one of my friend +Mary Lesley Berina  fights with me for no reason( funny fights)
we dont have serious fights but most important of all my best friends are +Rawan Antar and +Malaika Zafar. Every one in our class no about our friendship. They are the best. 



Today was a match of soccer between my team and +Mary Lesley Berina's team in school. +Mary Lesley Berina's team lost badly. 

Monkey in the Middle!!!

So there is a 6th grade named Rehan he has like so many jackets so when he brings one of them outside in the recess me +Malaika Zafar  and +Rawan Antar  take his jacket and run around all the place he is 1 and we are 3 so when ever he tries to get it from one of us we pass it to the other. One day we made him run so much that at the end of the recess he was so tiered his face was red and he was holding his knees and standing he was in such horrible condition me malika and rawan burst out laughing it was pretty funny but we were also tiered but we weren't in such bad condition as him.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

I just made some changes o my blog as you can see so tell me how is it because i am really confused. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Right now i am in saudia Arabia but i am leaving on March 19th :(
The thing i wont be able to write posts maybe one post after 2 months or so.

Friday, January 18, 2013

So my country's cricket team captain is here in Yanbu so i am going to meet him i am so exited !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


We got the big court for playing basket ball but it's still not fun I think that the small court is wayyyy better . We got kicked out because of the 6th graders and now they are coming to play with us but we are the nice people so we let them play with us !!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Awsome Day

Today was a epic day there is a boy named Conor we were playing basketball and he got hit by the ball on his face then the teacher didn't allow them play basketball the whole day and we had the whole court to our self  The best part was they were begging to play with us and then we said no to them but later we let them play.  

Some girls have crush on the 6 graders

Monday, January 14, 2013

Ice Cream

I got a whole box of ice ream all for myself Awsomeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
OK so there were these 6th graders and in the last recess they got there basket ball and started playing at the same place where we were playing  we didn't mind there was a boy named Sohail and they threw the ball at his eye and it looked like his eye was bleeding it was so red but of course it wasn't and those boys didn't even say sorry.  Ahhhhhhhhhh i hate people like that seriously.

 View my blog, Follow me, and Comment

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Medo's Embarrassing Momentos!!

So there is a guy named Medo, and +Mary Lesley Berina were walking they are classmates so Medo pushed Lesely into the bushes and lesely pushed him so hard that he fell into the bush and so every on was laughing like crazy

So there is a girl named Rawan the recces was over and Medo had the basketball Rawn and I wanted to get the ball he is a pretty good playing basketball he wasn't giving it to us. So I saw that his zip was open  when we told him he was all red and he went behind the pole and fixed it. :p

Insane game of Basketball !!!! Awsome

You guys know +Mary Lesley Berina  right she and some other friends were playing with me and we have dog piles in a dog piles the person who has the basket ball we try to snatch it and they don't give it so you fall on top of them . It's pretty cool. We play basketball every single recces.