Tuesday, March 12, 2013


OMG!!!!!!!!!! Today was a blast in the lunch recess half of the 6th girls were gone i don't know where they were but Gabby was there and she was like you guys can't play here this is the 6th grade court and after she turned away i was like mamamamamama whatever and we didn't go me rawan malika and renad were playing volleyball whenever we got a miss it use to go to the 6th grade boys and they use to kick it to each other and Mateo and Rafay use to kick it the most. And we couldn't play properly and in the last recess Rayhan and Bilal OMG Rayhan hit the ball with his head. We didn't get to play it then too.

Rayhan, Rafay, Mateo, and Bilal are 6th grade boys
Gabby is a 6th grade girl.

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