Tuesday, March 12, 2013


OMG!!!!!!!!!! Today was a blast in the lunch recess half of the 6th girls were gone i don't know where they were but Gabby was there and she was like you guys can't play here this is the 6th grade court and after she turned away i was like mamamamamama whatever and we didn't go me rawan malika and renad were playing volleyball whenever we got a miss it use to go to the 6th grade boys and they use to kick it to each other and Mateo and Rafay use to kick it the most. And we couldn't play properly and in the last recess Rayhan and Bilal OMG Rayhan hit the ball with his head. We didn't get to play it then too.

Rayhan, Rafay, Mateo, and Bilal are 6th grade boys
Gabby is a 6th grade girl.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Hair Cut

I have a sister elder then me me and her both got a hair cut i don't like my haircut my hair's like till my neck now i hate short hair and now i have short hair wow.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


So this is what someone in the lunch threw a ball on +Malaika Zafar  she got the ball and she was thinking who threw it. She went to Mateo and asked if you did it he said ya ya we knew he was saying that in a sarcastic way so we didn't believe him. We started aiming on Rayhan. When we were hitting him with that ball by mistake malika hit him on his but the ball was like a size of a golf ball. He was the refery there was a handball game. The wishtle was in his mouth and he was blushing like crazy and he couldn't even blow the wishtle. Malika was laughing like crazy she laughed so much that she fell on the ground and every body was looking at her.

(Mateo and Rayhan are 6th grade boys)


Saturday, March 2, 2013

Annoying Cousin

Ok so i have a cousin named Saqib and he is so annoying we were talking and i told him about my blog he asked me to send the link when i did that he took the link and posted that on facebook he has his own page so he posted it there.
 Check his page out : www.facebook.com/kashmirtravelguide


I went to Jeddah on Wednesday and i came back from there on Saturday.I did lots and lots of shopping. It was pretty fun. And Jeddah is place in Saudi Arabia.    


When i started this blog i didn't tell anything about myself so here it is.Hi, my name is Hafsa and i am 11 years old. I am going to be 11 on March 21st. I am from Pakistan but i live in Saudi Arabia  I don't know what else you say when you  introduce yourself.